Free Chanticleer Roman NF font

OrderFilenameFilesizeThumb demo
1. chanticleerroman-eula.txt 2 Kb
2. chanticleerroman.bold.otf 31 Kb Chanticleer Roman NF
3. chanticleerroman.bold.ttf 35 Kb Chanticleer Roman NF
4. chanticleerroman.regular.otf 31 Kb Chanticleer Roman NF
5. chanticleerroman.regular.ttf 35 Kb Chanticleer Roman NF


The second offering in my “Storybook Fonts” series, based on Golden Cockerel, designed by Eric Gill. ITC offers a version of this font, but it doesn’t have a lot of the idiosyncrasies or charm of the original. My version maintains and enhances both. Useful in both headlines and body copy: one of these days, I hope to do a bold and italic version, as well.

Please donate paypal account: [email protected]

chanticleerroman.regular.ttf, Chanticleer Roman NF, chanticleer-roman-nf, , chanticleerroman.regular.ttf, chanticleerroman.regular.otf, chanticleerroman.bold.ttf, chanticleerroman.bold.otf


